How You Can Help to End the BSL

How You Can Help to End the BSL

Reaching out to your Member of Parliament (MP) is a crucial step in challenging the prohibition on bully breeds. MPs serve as the voice of their constituents in the law-making process. When flooded with passionate letters on a specific subject, particularly from a considerable number of their voters, they are more likely to heed those sentiments in parliamentary deliberations and decisions. By highlighting the commendable qualities of bully breeds, presenting data opposing breed-specific laws, and including personal stories or expert testimonials, your letter can offer a well-rounded view on the issue. Such insights might prompt the MP to re-evaluate or contest current laws, pushing for more just and effective approaches that tackle the core issues surrounding dog incidents, instead of indiscriminately labeling a whole breed



The RSPCA have created an easy form to write to your MP. Simply fill in your details and it will populate an email that is automatically sent to your MP.



Don’t Ban Me License Me – provides some great templates to use as guidance to write to your MP. 

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